Unlock the power of AI with our development services

Our team of developers and AI engineers supports you in creating ML models and integrating AI into your business tools.

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We are proud to support them

Our Services

Développement sur mesure

Avec notre expertise variée et notre savoir-faire accumulé, nous gérons le développement de vos projets en assignant des développeurs expérimentés pour un service personnalisé. Simplifiez le processus et concrétisez votre vision.

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Développement de sites web

La réactivité est notre norme ! Que ce soit pour des projets de startups, de nouveaux services en ligne, des produits SaaS ou des sites liés à l'IA, nous développons avec les technologies les plus récentes et innovantes.

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Développement d'applications

Avec une solide expérience dans les grands projets, nous développons des applications qui se distinguent parmi les meilleures sur le marché. Améliorez vos opérations et répondez aux besoins spécifiques grâce à des solutions personnalisées.

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Ateliers d'utilisation de l'IA

KodKodKod vous aide à identifier les meilleurs cas d'utilisation de l'IA pour améliorer la performance, la productivité et l'efficacité de vos services...

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Intégration de processus

Nous intégrons et déployons vos produits dans vos systèmes et plateformes existants de manière fluide. Optimisez vos opérations grâce à des technologies de pointe.

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Examples of
integration cases

At Kodkodkod, we have a sense of the concrete. AI in theory is not enough. That's why we work with you on AI applications in everyday life. Here are some examples implemented with our clients.

Our Team Ready to Support You



AI Consultants and Trainers



AI Developers



AI Technical Director

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How Kodkodkod Integrates Artificial Intelligence into Your Business?

Before implementing AI solutions, it's necessary to analyze your data to assess the viability of the digital project and the opportunities offered by AI. The next phase will involve identifying solutions available on the market, whether open-source or licensed, to achieve your goals.

Next, it will be essential to process the data by harmonizing and labeling it to build a solid foundation for optimal AI learning.

Our AI engineers develop models for a variety of domains, including machine learning and deep learning, with applications in prediction, segmentation, and more. These models are useful in several sectors such as industry, healthcare, and commerce. After presenting our proof of concept (POC) and determining how to evaluate ROI, Kodkodkod proceeds to integrate AI algorithms into information systems or cloud infrastructures.

Since AI is in a perpetual cycle of improvement, we follow the results obtained with you and adjust accordingly.

We accompany you even after the final project delivery. We are committed to long-term collaborations, which is why we support you for several weeks/months after AI validation.

AI is a scientific field that uses advanced mathematical techniques like machine learning and deep learning to perform complex tasks, often better than a human (especially when it comes to repetitive or meticulous tasks). Unlike traditional software, AI systems autonomously learn from examples and can adjust to effectively process and analyze new data. AI is therefore the future of many sectors, professions, and processes that it will augment rather than replace.

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